GPL Track Creating - Horizons
Authored by the GPLEA
Sky and trees
You must have a horiz.3do for your track - this contains a sky 'box' that covers your track completely, providing the appearance of distant clouds & the afore-mentioned blue stuff. Unfortunately, horiz.3do is an evil object - it can be edited with GPLTrackEditor, but it is a nasty business, so we suggest 'borrowing' one from another track. Find a track that is similar to your own, and once you've made your own .MIPs for it's horiz.3do - containing the actual horizon, plus the sky - you should be okay. The Repository will be the place to find pre-made horiz.3do+.mips, once they've been made.
Does it have to be a sunny day?
No way! Jay Beckwith / GPL Team Friendship has shown that sunny isn't the only way with some wonderful overcast horizons, and in 5 minutes I turned Spa into night time, so use your imagination! To be really corny: "the sky's the limit!" <insert silence>.
Updated 1-Jan-2001
Transferred to the wiki: 23.04.2009